About Us

About  Us - JayXray

Throughout the years, I have learned many different secrets working in the medical imaging field.  Some obvious things people can figure out, and some are tricky things that people would never guess.  And there are things that people, especially those who buy from us, should know but don’t.  As I travel from place to place and meet people, I realized that so many buyers are misguided with a narrow pool of information and were never asking the ‘RIGHT QUESTION’.

You can’t blame them for this.  Since most sales professionals (including myself) often convey messages that are tailored to help them.  I do my best to share objective information with my customers, but I’m sure even I part take in this without knowing.  So I decided to spill the beans.  Share the knowledge & inside information that may not be well known, a sort of guide or joker card for buyers if you will… :)  My first series, ‘Ask before you buy’ will cover questions you should ask when purchasing any X-ray units, especially a C-Arm, since that’s my specialty.  And there will always be more things to come.

I am a passionate sales and marketing specialist committed to serving the medical field with training, education, and technologies that empower doctors to provide patients with the highest level of care and insight into their health. Beginning my career in pharmacy school, I have gained over a decade of experience in the medical industry and now specialize in diagnostic imaging equipment.

When I’m not closing the deals, I can often get involved in my side project (WebVillage.co) where I mainly help local businesses that need an online presence. I’m a self-taught web developer and graphic designer who loves creating marketing collateral in Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, and PHP and building eye-catching, action-driving websites from scratch. I also have experience with web server management and computer software and hardware repair, as well as diagnostic and troubleshooting for all computer-related problems.

I’m a very motivated and confident individual who thrives best in an organization and have the project management skills to build and set up a new system or even a new organization from the ground up.

Wanna say hello?  Or do more ‘research’ on Jay?  Visit Jay’s Linked In page!

C-Arm Comparison: Philips Zenition 70 VS OSCAR 15 FD

C-Arm Comparison: OEC 9900 vs ZEN-7000

Another set of competitive systems that gets compared often is GE OEC 9900 Elite and Genoray ZEN-7000.  Both system features II and both are equipped with top of the line specs to produce image quality doctors want and need.  Let's see how…

Rotating vs Stationary Anode on C-Arm – is your X-ray Tube Rotating Anode?

Rotating vs Stationary anode system is becoming a hot topic in 2019 (still in 2024... should I pick x-ray tube rotating anode machine?) due to many new available systems coming out with stationary anode.  Stationary Anode was the main player…

C-Arm Spec: Split Tank vs Mono Tank

There are 2 different type of X-ray tube in terms of physical dimension is concerned.  Split Tube & Mono Tube (aka MonoTank)All C-Arm will have its anode located in the tube housing, but location of high voltage generator & cable…