Tag Archive for: ZEN-7000
X-ray purchase checklist – Ask before you buy
This is X-ray Buying guide Table of Contents. If you're thinking of buying X-ray machine, this is a must read! You can see an outline of topics that are being covered And this page will be periodically updated. Click on any link below…
ZEN-7000 and Oscar 15 Quick Overview / Demo Video
Check out what makes ZEN-7000 and Oscar 15 by Genoray one of the Most AWESOME C-Arm in the market! Both system as very similar as it utilizes same software platform (Windows Based) which offers plenty of image storage space, USB ports, DVD…
Excited to Buy Outdated Electronics? (C-Arm Technology)
When is the last time you walked into an electronic store (or shop online) and thought, I'm so excited to buy a laptop or camera with old technology with minimum warranty because that's exactly what I want? Probably never! In fact, I would…
ZEN C-Arm Swallow Study Videos
ZEN C-Arms can be used to record 30FPS video for Swallow Study. Whether you're using barium, yogurt, water, or potatoes, you can expect to see clear video in high-resolution with ZEN-7000 or ZEN-2090P. ZEN-7000 comes with 30FPS cine loop…
ZEN-7000 Sample Images
Check out the C-Arm that took these images
C-VID: C-Arm Tech Monitor
The C-VID is a retro-fit tech monitor for the surgical C-ArmC-VID is a revolutionary device to make it easier for your tech to do their job, easier and faster! By having a separate display of the image, your tech knows exactly what you're…
ZEN-7000 DSA Sample Videos
Wondered what ZEN-7000 can do with full Vascular package? See it for yourself in this DSA sample video playlist!
ZEN-7000 Performance C-Arm
ZEN-7000 (z7). This brand new C-Arm provides competitive image you saw with easy to use interface at amazingly affordable cost. Its features and image quality is comparable with OEC 9800 but instead of buying a 10+ years old unit, this unit…
Top 5 questions on ZEN-7000 & top 5 of questions you should ask before purchasing
ZEN-7000 Performance Surgical C-Arm, aka Z7, is one of the brand new C-Arms sold by Complete Medical and Genoray, and one of the main C-Arm lines I specialize in. I've walked many clients through the purchasing process and over the past five…
C-Arm Price Range Guidelines
There are many different models of C-Arms on the market. If you are starting to look for C-Arms, this article will break down the expected cost for different types of C-Arms. Don’t worry if you don’t recognize some of the names; I’m…
Battle of z7 vs. 9800 recapped!
Genoray's ZEN-7000 (aka Z7) C-Arm is one of the products that I focus on. And often times a question is asked about how Z7 compares to popular OEC models. This C-Arm is manufactured in Korea and being sold in about 15 different countries. …