c-arm price, How Much should I spend on a C-Arm?

C-Arm Price Range Guidelines

C-Arm Price Range guideline has been updated for 2025.

There are many different models of C-Arms on the market.  If you are starting to look for C-Arms and are curious of the C-Arm Price range, this article will break down the expected cost for different types of C-Arms and C-Arm Pricing ranges.  Don’t worry if you don’t recognize some of the names; I’m here to answer any of your questions.

Screenshot of google image search via keyword ‘C-Arm’

C-Arms that cost: $10,000 ~ $35,000 (Used)
OEC 9000, 9400, 9600
OEC 7600, 7700
Philips BV 25, 300
Siemens Siremobile
OEC 9600 (1994-1999)

C-Arms that cost: $35,000 ~ $50,000 (Used or Refurbished)
OEC 9800 (1999-2006)
Philips BV Libra, Endura
Siemens Compact L (Stationary anode)
Siemens Arcadis Varic
Ziehm Vision, Quantum
OEC Brivo Plus (Stationary anode)

C-Arms that cost: $50,000 ~ 80,000 (Refurbished & New)
OEC Brivo Prime
Philips Pulsera (newer models)
Ziehm Solo
Siemens Cios Select (new)
Skanray Skan-C (new)

C-Arms that cost: $80,000+ (Refurbished & New)
OEC 9900 / Elite
Philips Veradius
Ziehm Vision RFD
Ziehm Vision R (new)
Genoray ZEN-7000 & Oscar
Siemens Cios Alpha
Siemens Cios Fusion
Fuji Persona C-Arm
Extron FD (Full Size & Compact)


*List is based on personal knowledge of popular models and does not represent a full listing of all available C-Arms on the market.  Feel free to make suggestions or corrections using the comments below.

This C-Arm price list is a rough categorization of some popular models based on price range.  Actual price can vary by condition, refurbishing quality, warranty, maintenance, and many other factors. Using this guideline, you can estimate roughly what your price range will be.

So, have you found what you are looking for?  Or are you even more confused with the abundance of choices?  Don’t worry, my next article will discuss how to choose what kind of C-Arm you need and want.  Can’t wait?  Leave a comment or send me a note on your right ->  [Article: What features do I want on my C-Arm?]

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Phew! It was such a relief when you highlighted that most C-Arm machines cost less than $100,000. The doctor who runs my neighborhood clinic just told me yesterday about his intention to get one of those equipment. I’ll forward this article to him so he’ll make the right purchase later.